This package is for version 3.7 of Bioconductor; for the stable, up-to-date release version, see curatedTCGAData.
Bioconductor version: 3.7
This package provides publicly available data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Bioconductor MultiAssayExperiment class objects. These objects integrate multiple assays (e.g. RNA-seq, copy number, mutation, microRNA, protein, and others) with clinical / pathological data. The MultiAssayExperiment class links assay barcodes with patient IDs, enabling harmonized subsetting of rows (features) and columns (patients / samples) across the entire experiment.
Author: Marcel Ramos <marcel.ramos at>, Levi Waldron <lwaldron.research at>, Lucas Schiffer <schiffer.lucas at>, Valerie Obenchain <valerie.obenchain at>, Morgan Martin <martin.morgan at>
Maintainer: Marcel Ramos <marcel.ramos at>
Citation (from within R,
enter citation("curatedTCGAData")
To install this package, start R and enter:
## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported source("") biocLite("curatedTCGAData")
To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:
HTML | R Script | curatedTCGAData |
Reference Manual | ||
Text | NEWS |
biocViews | CancerData, ExperimentData, Homo_sapiens_Data, ReproducibleResearch |
Version | 1.2.0 |
License | Artistic-2.0 |
Depends | R (>= 3.4.0), MultiAssayExperiment |
Imports | AnnotationHub, ExperimentHub, S4Vectors, utils |
LinkingTo | |
Suggests | BiocStyle, knitr, readr, rmarkdown, testthat |
SystemRequirements | |
Enhances | |
URL | |
Depends On Me | |
Imports Me | |
Suggests Me | TCGAutils |
Links To Me | |
Build Report |
Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.
Source Package | curatedTCGAData_1.2.0.tar.gz |
Windows Binary | |
Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) | |
Source Repository | git clone |
Source Repository (Developer Access) | git clone [email protected]:packages/curatedTCGAData |
Package Short Url | |
Package Downloads Report | Download Stats |
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