This package is for version 3.9 of Bioconductor; for the stable, up-to-date release version, see basecallQC.
Bioconductor version: 3.9
The basecallQC package provides tools to work with Illumina bcl2Fastq (versions >= 2.1.7) software.Prior to basecalling and demultiplexing using the bcl2Fastq software, basecallQC functions allow the user to update Illumina sample sheets from versions <= 1.8.9 to >= 2.1.7 standards, clean sample sheets of common problems such as invalid sample names and IDs, create read and index basemasks and the bcl2Fastq command. Following the generation of basecalled and demultiplexed data, the basecallQC packages allows the user to generate HTML tables, plots and a self contained report of summary metrics from Illumina XML output files.
Author: Thomas Carroll and Marian Dore
Maintainer: Thomas Carroll <tc.infomatics at>
Citation (from within R,
enter citation("basecallQC")
To install this package, start R (version "3.6") and enter:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("basecallQC")
For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.
To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:
HTML | R Script | Vignette Title |
Reference Manual | ||
Text | NEWS |
biocViews | DataImport, Infrastructure, QualityControl, Sequencing, Software |
Version | 1.8.0 |
In Bioconductor since | BioC 3.5 (R-3.4) (2.5 years) |
License | GPL (>= 3) |
Depends | R (>= 3.4), stats, utils, methods, rmarkdown, knitr, prettydoc, yaml |
Imports | ggplot2, stringr, XML, raster, dplyr, data.table, tidyr, magrittr, DT, lazyeval, ShortRead |
LinkingTo | |
Suggests | testthat, BiocStyle |
SystemRequirements | bcl2Fastq (versions >= 2.1.7) |
Enhances | |
URL | |
Depends On Me | |
Imports Me | |
Suggests Me | |
Links To Me | |
Build Report |
Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.
Source Package | basecallQC_1.8.0.tar.gz |
Windows Binary | |
Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) | basecallQC_1.8.0.tgz |
Source Repository | git clone |
Source Repository (Developer Access) | git clone [email protected]:packages/basecallQC |
Package Short Url | |
Package Downloads Report | Download Stats |
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